What can be cleaned with ultrasonic cleaner?

Principle, all solid materials. In the Jewelry division soft stones as Opals, coral etc. should not be cleaned in an ultrasonic bath.

How does the ultrasonic cleans?

If ultrasound introduced into liquids, microscopic vacuum bubbles implode again immediately. This process is known as cavitation. The cavitation bubbles blow the dirt off from the hard surface. Damage to the surface will be not created. The result of ultrasonic cleaning are deeply clean parts.

Which ultrasound machine is right for me?

The benchmark should always by the inner basket size. Since all ultrasonic baths are made of stainless steel, they are not immune from scratch or damage, it is advisable to always use a cleaning basket (usually included). Your product should have enough power for your application. Rule of thumb: They larger the unit is they greater the power that can produce it. They greater the product they more power is required for an sufficient cleaning results. They more contaminated the product is, they more power is required to purify this. Have you chosen a size, it’s all about the series.

What is the right concentrate, the right time and the right heat setting for me?

Unfortunately, this point can not be adequately answered for everyone. Rather, the cleaning with an ultrasonic bath equal to a series of tests in a laboratory. What is the solution for the one that provides new problems for others. Nevertheless, we provide herewith a short guide for the most common cleaning cases ready:
Glasses: max. 1-5 min. depending on contamination and device without heating
Prostheses and hearing aids: max. 5-15 min. depending on contamination and device without heating
Jewelry and coins (cleaning): max.5-15 min. depending on pollution and equipment, up to 50 degrees
Boards: 10-15 min. depending on pollution and equipment, 30-40 degrees
Stainless steel and aluminum (carburetors, weapons parts, engine parts, industrial metal plates): 10-40 min. depending on contamination and device, up to max. 65 degrees

Do I need a heater?

For smaller plastic or material parts as also in the disinfection, no. Products from composite parts and Metallic share with high levels of impurities are usually cleaned significantly better by heat. The best cleaning results are achieved by proper heat setting, the correct water-detergent mixture and the proper cleaning time.

Can flammable liquids are used undiluted in an ultrasonic bath?

In no case, also the use of chloro- and fluorocarbons is because of safety and environmental protection reasons shall be prohibited.

Is the ultrasound perceptible to the human ear?Can i use ordinary tap water in an ultrasonic bath?

This is even recommended. Tap water has excellent properties for cleaning in an ultrasonic bath, because the Mineral substances additionally ensure an increase of the ultrasound.
In hard water (this information can be obtained from your water company) should be carried out before cleaning a degassing process.

Can i use ordinary tap water in an ultrasonic bath?

This is even recommended. Tap water has excellent properties for cleaning in an ultrasonic bath, because the Mineral substances additionally ensure an increase of the ultrasound.
In hard water (this information can be obtained from your water company) should be carried out before cleaning a degassing process.

Why Cleaning concentrate?

The ultrasound provides, in addition to the deep cleansing simultaneously a time reduction, which makes the addition of a suitable cleaning concentrate in a reduction of cleaning time up to 80% to a few minutes. The efficiency of the cleaning action can be further increased by heating the bath temperature. Some Cleaning concentrates reached only by heated ultrasonic devices full functionality. Cleaning concentrates are biodegradable. They dissolve and bind the dirt.

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